
    How I Missed the New Doge πŸ˜₯

    Many promises of lambos and few gains: behind the scenes is often strewn with pitfalls. I explain to you here how I found my first x100, as I sold it at a loss. And especially one of my many mistakes in the world of tokens.


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    The world of tokens remains that of all hopes. Many amateurs and individuals are getting into it: fewer costs, cheaper, simpler x100 and above all the feeling of being able to hit the jackpot on a single investment.

    Token like the Safemoon literally exploded the charts in 2021 to reach the heights, beyond one billion. All via a mass of amateurs, some of whom have become rich. But at what cost?

    Many private individuals, who arrived too late, also lost big, due to their lack of knowledge of the market. And the examples are legion in the crypto sphere. A majority of investors who do not know the basics of trading lose big every day in investments in assets bought too late and overvalued. But how to find THE right token? How to avoid errors?

    By adopting a simple strategy. Relevant and above all accomplished. Launching into the world of tokens is more disappointing than a scene of jubilation. And that’s what I was able to test life-size.

    How I Missed The New Doge πŸ˜‘

    It was during a search on Bscscan for one of my first tokens. After a thorough analysis of projects, where I was looking for information on:

    • the team
    • the devs
    • the project

    I was coming to invest in a new token with an MC of ~$200,000. In other words, nothing at all. On these tokens the risk remains high. Even when the project begins, several factors can cause it to derail:

    • scam
    • bad dev
    • inexperienced team
    • bad business model
    • first investor in too much of a hurry

    The list is long. Several weeks later, I was losing 50% on this project with a new ~$100,000 MC. I believed in this project, but like many I came to no longer believe in it and save what I had left before losing everything. My mistake? Lack of strategy. I had neither Stop Loss nor Take Profit. In other words, I was investing without background, by feeling.

    1 year later the project reached more than $100,000,000 in MC and I discovered how much of a beginner I had been on this one. Many investors today leave a project too soon, or too late, without really having assimilated 3 fundamental bases of trading:

    • Invest with strategy
    • Know which MC to go out to
    • Know which MC to enter

    And above all, never look at your position again. Every $1 invested should be considered lost. And it is essential to build your strategy on tokens in a precise way. With the minimum possible position reassessment.

    The laws of the market are cruel. Reassessments are sometimes very expensive: they bring out too late, or too early as was my case. Having had a strategy, knowing in advance when I would go out, I would have quietly taken my x100. Of course I would have missed the x500, but who can say that a coin or token can today reach the x500 with such a low MC? Not many people and this is another rule to assimilate, the first even: assume its investment and never give responsibility to a friend, a relative or even a tweet, this is the secret of learning and of the most great traders.

    NOTE: This is not investment advice.

    Image source Kanchanara 🎯

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    Lucas Jackson
    Lucas Jackson
    CEO & Founder, | Blockchain's project advisor
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